Thursday, July 12, 2012

Haven't been here for a while, busy, busy, busy. Thought I would share a few pics of the piece I'm working on. His name is Oliver, really enjoying stitching him, trying to decide on next project. Rocky Mountain Christmas or a Sunflower.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Here is a updated picture of my Santa.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

So as I promised, here is a cross-stitch piece I started about 10 years ago. I plan on finishing it soon.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Haven't written much lately, been working and am kind of addicted to Facebook, been reading Beverly Lewis series, crochetting, and going to church.
The crochet project is about finished, going to go back to cross-stitch when I'm finished.
Will post pictures as soon as I finish.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Worked last night, off today, washing laundry. Wish I could express my feelings like some other people do. I guess I'm a thinker.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Got the weekend off, haven't posted any thing in a long time. Monday will be the two year anniversary of Jim's death. My animals have been doing good. Bandit is 13 years old. Have a friend at work who had to put her Rottweiler down due to cancer. Her veterinarian sent her a letter of the Rainbow Bridge. She bought it to work for me to read it to her, it was sad but a honor for her to let me do that for her. So Thanksgiving I took a copy of Jim and mine's wedding video and ask her to watch it with me, I haven't been able to look at any of the video's with him in it. So all of my co-workers gathered around the television and watched it with me. The support system I have there is awesome, I've worked there 28 years, was 21 years old when I started.
I actually did very well, I was kind of afraid to look at it. I miss him so much, but the pain isn't as raw as it used to be. If I really think about it I could make my self cry, I guess you could look at this way, last year at the one year anniversary, it was kind of like a scab, this years it's a scar.
Give some thoughts about what it could be next year.
Oh by the way here is a neat picture of Bandit, the little white dot's above his head is Sheets's eyes.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm off work today and trying to stay out of the heat, temperature is supposed to be up to the mid 90's, I'm not one for being outside in the heat. Think I'll just sit inside and read, stitch, or watch a movie.
Had a patient yesterday that really got to my heart yesterday. She was not doing good, and it is just a matter of time, early in the morning when I first went in to her room, she opened her eyes, started smiling and said "I so glad to see you, I love it when your here". Patients that do that remind me why I became a nurse. Those are the ones who you know have a sweet spirit. Wish I could describe the feelings when they say that. Some time they don't actually say it, just a smile or a gentle touch. That's when I feel Gods love for me and it makes me step back, take a deep breath and go in the not so sweet rooms. I guess in a way it's like paying it forward, those gentle spirits are payed forward to others by me as a carrier.